Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This Blog

From the Latin, "res ipsa loquitur" the title of this blog means the thing speaks for itself. This blog is dedicated to free discussion of serious and whimsical topics. Although I am a lawyer with a penchant to wax eloquently or not about legal issues, I expect to publish material on a much broader range of topics with the hope that you will enjoy them and post your thoughtful insights.


  1. Good blog so far.

    I would love to hear some thoughts on the $165 million in bonuses to AIG employees, considering they just got more than $170 million recently in taxpayer money in the form of a government bailout.

    Why are there not lynch mobs roaming the streets looking for those responsible for stealing from our children's future to pay those who were so incompetent as to cause AIG's problems in the first place?

    I hope they find a way to give a 99.9% tax on those huge bonuses.

    AIG (Arrogance, Irresponsibility, Greed) is just one of so many things wrong with the what has happened in this country. People worry about getting their nails done, or making it to the tanning salon, or getting out to the golf course, while our Constitutional Rights are being eroded faster than most realize.

    Government employees charged with protecting children are destroying young lives and dismantling families right and left. School funding is being cut back, while more and more jails are needed to house those without an education, and who find a life of crime more available than finding a job in these times of high unemployment and little opportunity for those not wealthy enough to afford a million dollar college education.

    And how many dead Americans since those infamous words: "Mission Accomplished" ?

    And the legal system: Is justice only for the wealthy who can afford their own "dream team" to go into court with? What about the incompetent and corrupt judges? Public defenders who quickly make deals to further their career rather than the interests of those they are supposed to serve? Is it too much to hope that some of this will be exposed and have to change?

    And Social Services! Oh, don't get me started on the horrible things that have happened to children due to the domino affect of the funding practices of Mondale's 1978 CAPTA act! When are we going to stop believing that the "veil of secrecy" that hides the incompetence and cruelty of what is happening in the juvenile dependency system is really there to protect the minors' right to privacy. And another thing, where ARE those little children who went into foster homes and whose whereabouts are now "unknown" ?

    When will judges like Brenda Harbin-Forte be exposed for the incompetence that exemplifies her every act? Or do we have to keep her because we need her to be the token woman/African-American judge to show that everything in the legal system is equal?

    Well, this should be a tiny bit for readers to chew on.

    Okay, David, now you have a chance to get "the word" out there. Give 'em Hell!

  2. Here's the real scoop. The money is going into the international sink hole also known as the shadow banking system, composed of thousands of offshore subsidiaries and dummy companies in tiny black holes in the earth's surface such as Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, (all British dependencies, by the way), Lichtenstein, and other offshore tax havens. If you remember BCCI (Bank of Crooks and Criminals, Inc.) this was an anomoly that this system is exposed. Listen to Lucy Komisar, she has a great web page at http://thekomisarscoop.com/.
