It started out as a trip to a deserted island to camp on a beach. We talked about the state of the world, what we would miss if we never went back, and whether we could make a go, or more accurately, a stay of it here. We've decided to stay. We thanked the tour operator for the sleeping bags, tents, cookware, and utensils and sent him packing with a warning not to bring others.
There are 19 of us, four men and 15 women. We have enough kindling to produce a new generation. The island is self-sufficient. We can grow anything. Plenty of fresh water. Ample wood for structures. We can fish and hunt wild boar.
The decision to drop out was an easy one, what with the random killings, mothers throwing newborns into dumpsters, the lack of political will to end at least extreme world poverty for less than the cost of a bailout to Citibank, the nonstop bickering, war, and corruption, the perversion of religion to justify horrific acts and the threat of nuclear annihilation and pestilence. You can keep it.
I've donned body paint and now sport a tattoo expressing my new tribal identity. We have drums, guitars and bandannas. I'm taking archery lessons. I've got some seeds to plant Chondrodendron tomentosum from which I can extract curare to poison the tips of my arrows for hunting and warding off trespassers.
If this island seems familiar, it may be that you've seen the movie The Beach which was filmed here. In the movie, the tribe fared miserably. But that's them. We have a better organizational plan.
We'll be just fine. Don't worry about us.
P.S. I need someone to go to my old place to get my dog, Parker. Bring him to Phuket. He needs a first class seat since he likes to spread out. In Phuket, take the boat over to Phi Phi Don Island and deliver him to Phil at the Lemongrass Restaurant (next to the post office). Phil will take it from there. Thanks.
Dr. Strangelove: Vimmin vould be chozen for zere sekzual characteristics...animals could be bred and SLAUGHTERED...a ratio of ten vimmin for every man...zay would face ze task mit a spirit of adventure and bold curiosity for za FUTURE!
Send me the details and airfare to go get Parker and deliver him.... and to get back, and I will bring him to you. Sounds like you have made the right choice. We,too, have moved to another 'planet' where there are strange aliens, and we are being assimilated. I understand the need to leave CA and redefine reality. Let me know...
ReplyDeleteI'll send along a copy of "Lord of the Flies" with Parker. It will not only give him something to read on the plane, but will help prepare him for his future romp in paradise among the hairless beach apes.
ReplyDeleteC'mon Dave, tell me why you didn't inform Parker of this. What a cruel man you are, leaving the dog for a, for a, well and Island if you will. I would take him to you but I don'tknow where the phuket phuket is y'know. I do agree though that this is the right thing to do, y'know just pull a 21st Century Leery thing and just drop out.Yeah and leave all the clean up to us fools here who think that maybe just maybe we are needed here to care for your clients who have come to believe in you and your ability to make the govenment goons back off. yeah what about them Dave. Dave, what are you doing Dave?Dave stop this right now Dave, you'll destroy the missio--Dave, Daaaave, Daisy daisy, give me your answer do......
ReplyDeleteHal "Ray" Couture
Hey Bud,
ReplyDeleteLord of the Flies is right. Some people go nuts without a higher power to assist them in controlling thier urges. I'll get Parker, you'll need eachother. And having dated an attorney like you, he dissapeared in the amazon for six months, we will plan room for a crash pad for your return.
Call or write with directions AJ, Kim and Art
Paul, your post is killing me! Funny and well put!
ReplyDeleteChristy, that's us precisely. You reminded me it's time to watch that movie again. It's been years.
Ray, I had a dream last night where Hal kept repeated over and over again in that disturbed, controlled voice, "Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?"
AJ, Kim and Art, thanks for the offer. You should join us. We don't have any babies here yet. AJ could be the first.
Fantasy Island!
ReplyDeleteComplete with da plane, island, tatoo the midgit, and a deep end for the weekend. WHAT DID YOU DO, EAT THE SEEDS? Your IP on the email tracked you to a hotel in Bangkok!
Think Parker would be VERY nervous around those Thais. He might not get there, y'know. Roast Dog is one of their favorite dishes.
ReplyDeleteI can see you huffing down the beach, slow motion like Raquel Welch and Dudley Moore in the movie "10," running after the seaplance bringing more ciggies, crying, "Ze Plane! Ze Plane"!
Oops it was Bo Derek, I remember now
ReplyDeleteHow do you think Dave's sending these messages, by Internet, dummy! Satellite? Jungle Drums? Smoke Signals? Microwave towers?
ReplyDeleteIt makes sense, actually. If you want to go on a vacation you want to mentally remove yourself, without really removing yourself physically and having to deal with a lot of inconvenience. Right? This is a vacation that anyone can afford to take, in one's head.
Hello Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThis is Phil at the Lemongrass. Dave asked me to send these messages for him.
I got a feeling that pretty soon Captain Nemo is going to show up on the island, given the plot direction this is taking.